
Fighting Bigotry - Other sites I'm on: linksta.cc/@Heather_860

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=> All relationships have power imbalances.

=> The existence of power does not equal abuse.

Some people abuse their power. Harvey Weinstein for example.

But that doesn't mean that a high-powered executive who has a homemaker wife is committing rape every time they make love.

Ask yourself, hypothetically, what if Epstein's victims were older?

What if he did all of the exact same things but the women were all around 30 years old?

Would it be ok? Would you think "Oh, he raped 30 year olds? No problem." ??

So why is everyone focused exclusively on age?

no need to reinvent the wheel

Many countries have good ages of consent and got good results from them. German and Portuguese teens get pregnant and catch diseases at about half the rate of American teens, for example.

If you fight against a problem that doesn't exist hard enough, you end up creating the very problem you were afraid of and several other related ones at the same time.

Nature makes animals, and most plants, sexual. People cannot "sexualize" other people. The whole idea is absurd.

but who's the perp?

If power imbalances cause rape, then one of those two was raping the other, right?

They can't consent because of the power dynamics.

One of them must be abusing their power.


Is that very rich old man exploiting that dumb blonde for his own sexual pleasure?

or is that devious vixen taking advantage of that feeble old guy to get ahold of his money?


Smart Policy

Germany has about half the teen pregnancy rate the USA does. They also have dramatically lower rates of STDs. They are doing this very well. We are doing this very badly. Let's learn from them.

Help me out here guys.

How is "sexualization" (if it even exists) measured?

What's the scale?

What objective criteria are used to determine how much or how little "sexualization" has taken place?

Let's be rational

People used to argue that gay sex must be illegal because it is disgusting and unnatural. Of course the hetero majority felt that way. But feelings make very bad guides for lawmaking. Gay sex is not inherently harmful. When asked to prove it was, the bigots had to give in.


A: *starts honest discussion of normal young adult sexual activity*

B: You just wanna fuck kids!!!

C: It's illegal!!!

D: Just because it's legal doesn't make it right!!!

E: Defending pedos, you sicko!!!

[realistic assessments drown in a sea of overblown emotional reaction]

American parents think "I don't want MY DAUGHTER having SEX!!!" "I'll go on Twitter and call lots of people pedophiles. That will totally solve the problem!!!"


The infantilization of young adults produces a big crop of vulnerable young women who simply should not be vulnerable. They should have been empowered.

Fashion models start their careers at 14. They also finish puberty at 14. Coincidence?

a widespread myth

Click-bait journalists wildly exaggerated the importance of some real, but completely insignificant changes in the brains of 25 and 35 and 45 year olds.

While it was ridiculous it also clearly showed how idiotic the myth of becoming and adult at 25 is.