
Fighting Bigotry - Other sites I'm on: linksta.cc/@Heather_860

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best intentions but really bad results

Most of these people mean well. But they don't realize that expanding the definition of the word rape to include a broad swath of things which are clearly not rape, does not help rape victims at all.

Principles Are Costly

In Lisbon they give heroin addicts clean needles. It costs a few hundred bucks a year. In the USA we incarcerate them costing us tens of thousands of dollars a year. but we'll never change. Being nice to addicts is not the macho brute force way.

Let's Be Realistic

Ruminations about maturity levels are just dumb. Some people mature quickly. Some never mature. There is just wide variation between individuals. Pigeonholing people is wrong and harmful.

We need to calm down.

Part of the fear mongering bullshit about pedophilia is the common belief that pedos can't control their urges and simply must rape everyone they're attracted to. There is zero evidence to support that nonsense.

Peeps way too focused on semantics?

Nope. Most people throw around a lot of words that they don't ever examine. They build arguments based on fuzzy or nonsense definitions of words, which shows that they have never scrutinized the concepts they're basing their conclusions on.

Our Laws Are Not OK

In New York and Illinois for example two consenting 16-year-olds having sex can both be prosecuted each for the rape of the other. And get put on the sex offender registry. Here's an Illinois lawyer explaining...


#Puritan #Criminalize #Teens #TeenSex #SPR860

Puritan Revival Is Real

 "Since the nineteen-nineties, the proportion of American high-school students who are virgins has risen from forty-five per cent to sixty per cent." The New Yorker Magazine 2022-04-11 "How Everyone Got So Lonely" by Zoë Heller

Science Is Still Real

There's no such thing as an "18 year old girl"

18 year olds are men and women

#ScienceDenial is rampant in our society

and we really ought to stamp it out immediately.




The Puritan Revival has somehow made everyone terrified of sex.

and everyone's pretending that nothing is "inherently sexual"

and so it's a huge problem that bad people are "sexualizing" things like people, boobs, bodies, cartoons etc etc.

It's ridiculous.

Silliness Gone Wild

Somehow we've taught a whole generation that they are children until they "feel" like they're adults. Guess what? You can be 50 or 60 and still feel like you have no idea what's going on, and your 50 and 60 year old friends act like toddlers.

subtle brainwashing

Americans repeated the phrase "sex and violence" so many times that they started to believe on a subconscious level that sex *is* violence. It's a pretty sick way of looking at the world. But it explains a lot.

stop the hysteria

Child beauty pageants don't make anyone pedophilic. Just like gay porn doesn't turn straight men into homosexuals.

#ChildBeautyPageants #pedophilic #gay #porn #gayporn #straight #pedo #pedophilia #straightmen #homosexuals #BeautyPageants #Beauty #Pageant #SPR860

pros and cons

I don't think people should smoke marijuana, but I also know that making weed a felony is FAR MORE HARMFUL than the ganja itself.

in solitary on Rikers Island

Do we really believe that teens can handle years behind bars in brutal prisons, 

but they'll be scarred for life if they make love with a MILF? 


dramatic change

The massive increase in the heretofore completely unused term "sexualize" is pretty solid evidence that we are looking at the rise of sex-phobia in our culture at this very moment. 

#slutshaming #slutty #sex #sexpositive #asexual #NeoPuritanism #SexPhobia