
Fighting Bigotry - Other sites I'm on: linksta.cc/@Heather_860

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This interview is old. Ritalin was being overprescribed at the time.

but many of the things he says are just timeless.

Listen. Think about the questions he asks.

It's only about 9 minutes long. 

Gen Z has been so drastically infantilized that they think they are children until they're 26. 

This is not an argument for raising the age of majority. 

It is a stark reminder that we desperately need to end helicopter parenting now. 

and 85 percent of mass shooters are over age 21

lunatics having access to dangerous weapons is not an age issue

It's so weird how so many people brag about what a fucking moron they were in their teens.
Why on earth would people think that's a flex?
There's more behind this. It's some kind of strange virtue signalling, but I haven't got it figured out yet.

If society has produced ridiculously immature 16 year olds then society has failed. Nature made 16 year old young adults. Only a really stupid society would force them into an artificially prolonged childhood.

What imaginary ills are you pretending to solve by trampling all over young adults' rights and fucking up their lives? 

So institutionalize the mixed messages? 

like "You're a responsible adult, except you aren't, and you can drink but not drive. You can have sex, but only with certain people. We trust you, but we don't. You're rational, but you're an idiot."

seems like a terrible approach to me 


Bob is 17. He lives in Montana. His 22-year-old girlfriend Laura lives just accross the border in Idaho. On Wednesday they made love at his house in Montana where the age of consent is 16. That's cool. But on Thursday they did it at her house in Idaho, where the age of consent is 18 and so she's a child rapist. 

Sure. That makes sense. 

I'd reply to this tweet directly, but Elon deleted my account. 

_"If you apply a little scrutiny, you find no one on the planet has any clear idea what the word 'sexualize' means, 

and absolutely nobody knows why, after a century of near non-existence, it suddenly became central to our discussion and thinking." 

Abraham Lincoln

Phil openly does not give a shit about the feelings of the "victim"

Phil is going to impose his dogma on everybody else's intimate life. 

Phil's arrogance is astounding

and abhorrent. 

The fact that we've been studying this for so long indicates that strong action should have been taken long ago. 

We must stop the rampant infantilization of young adults (aka teens). 

Phil believes we should "believe victims, unless they contradict our stupid fucking dogma, in which case fuck them, we'll dictate to them what happened and how they should feel about it" 

Childhood ends when puberty begins. 

During puberty we are pubescent. 

After puberty we are adults. 

This is basic biology. It is not difficult. 

_ "teenage girl" is an oxymoron 

Teens are men and women. 


I was 17 when I had sex with my 23 year old boyfriend. I was not a child. It was not rape. There was nothing wrong with anything we did. 

Idiots like Phil Mitchell have no right to rob anyone of bodily autonomy. They have no right to take away teenagers' agency. 

Phil is dead wrong here.