
Fighting Bigotry - Other sites I'm on: linksta.cc/@Heather_860

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Plenty of teenagers try to seduce people older than them. Sometimes they succeed. Hysterical Puritans freak the fuck out over it, but it's been going on forever and nobody ever showed it was harmful in any way 🙂 

stupid and counterproductive dogma

The current dogma says that the way to keep young women from getting sexually assaulted is to make sure everyone thinks they're brainless helpless fools.

It's stupid and counterproductive.

(very nasty bigotry too)

#minors #teens #teenagers #children #alligator


We need a ceremony. The Saturday closest to their 14th birthday should be biggest coming of age party. Cake, games, dancing, whatever, and the opening of the gift, their first smart phone.
Dad can make a speech about "with power comes responsibility bla bla bla..."

This podcast is long (about 9 hours I think) but it is *excellent* It is in depth, meticulously researched, about how the media and police fail and how fear not logic now reigns.


Sometimes I think it's a lost cause. The taboo is so strong. You get banned from social media just for telling this one simple truth. 

"inappropriate" is out of fashion now.

Today we say "gross" or "creepy" but it's exactly the same as when Victorian prudes said "impure" and "unchaste"

#StopTheHysteria #StopNeoPuritanism #SexPhobia #Puritans #SPR860

Not Complicated

Teenagers consent to sex all over the world every single day.

Sometimes the law recognizes their legal right to do so, sometimes not, but the law doesn't create reality, nor does it stop them from consenting.


Dating DiCaprio or Fighting the Taliban

Journalists wildly exaggerate how much neurology knows about brains.

but assuming that a good prefrontal cortex is helpful for good decision making,

a soldier occupying a country w/ a hostile population where he doesn't speak the language, has a desperate need for one.

If the "prefrontal cortex" myth is true, how on earth did we send 18 year olds to war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam?

There is no job in the world that requires more rational thinking than making life or death decisions effecting civilians, all your buddies, and yourself.

but no world government has ever said that in combat they'll only have men over 25 years of age.


Not once in thousands of years of this obvious problem, has anyone noticed the problem, written about it, or tried to fix it.

(hint: it's bullshit) Read More »

Face The Hypocrisy

Today everyone is screaming that Mr Bouchard being 18 means he was an ADULT!!!!! RAPING!!!! A CHILD!!!!

A month ago those same people were screaming that a sexy 18 year old woman who had made big bucks on Only Fans was ONLY A CHILD!!! BEING GAWKED AT!!! BY PEDOPHILES!!!!

Obsessed with age = Stupid AF

No one *of any age* should be denied an abortion.

No one *of any age* should be forced to marry.

No one *of any age* should work under dangerous conditions.

No one *of any age* should be allowed a gun without meeting strict safety requirements.

#SPR860 .

Classic Bigotry

100 years ago racists wanted to prove that white men have better brains than everybody else. So they measured the skulls of women, Africans, and Jews and voilà! They had "scientific" proof that everyone they hate has bad brains. 

Over the last 20 years we've done exactly the same thing with teens and under 25s. We use cherry-picked junk science to "prove" that they are mentally deficient then we treat them like shit.  

a quick lesson from history

If people under 25 are irrational, clearly they can't be competent parents, and obviously someone in the last 5 thousand years of world history would have noticed it and forbade them from having kids.

but that never happened.

it's very basic

"teen" activities and "adult" activities never should have been separated

teens are adults