
Fighting Bigotry - Other sites I'm on: linksta.cc/@Heather_860

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We often project our sexual attitudes onto men. but they are not like us in that respect. Men like boobies made of silicone if they're the right shape. It doesn't matter to them if the person w the breasts has a brain or feelings or is 15 or 50, as long as the tits are nice.


Rape is rape. It doesn't become rape or stop being rape depending on the age of the perp or the victim.

Mr Bouchard was 18. His partner was 14. and from that we conclude that he is a rapist??? If he had been a few months younger they would have been a sweet couple of innocent kids playfully exploring romantic relationships??? Do people really believe this???

You can't impress upon a young person his or her responsibility to make those choices if you refuse to respect his or her right to make those choices.

The hysterical emotional overreactions of overprotective parents are the worst possible basis for legislation.

All the men I know talk about how young people's mental fortitude just collapses under the sheer force of their magic brainwashing powers. That's why in Germany where the age of consent is 14 not a single 50 year old woman is married anymore. Husbands all have 16 year olds now.

John Haidt wrote a book about how we are coddling our young people. 

I think his wording is wrong. 

I think a much better description is: We are infantilizing our young adults.

The number of homosexuals does not rise or fall depending on the severity of the persecution they face. The number of drug users does not rise when you decriminalize drugs. The number of people who pay for the services of sex workers does not rise when you legalize their jobs.

Fifty years from now people are going to look back at the primitive idiots of 2024 who actually believed that 16 year olds were small children who must be protected from the magic brainwashing powers of anyone older than them. OMG!!! They might have SEX!!!!

Judith Levine

Poverty, Sex, Feminism, and How We Treat Our Young People.

a very important interview with Judith Levine


The conclusions of researchers, like Finkelhor and Hines, are actually logical when you step back and think about it. Why would nature prepare our bodies to have sex and make babies, but leave our brains too stupid to handle relationships???


So, I made a new vid. Now I have to decide on a name for it, and make a cover pic. It's in mkv format, but YouTube can digest that, right? :-)

Ephebophilia doesn't exist.

The Wikipedia entry for it cites a work that contains no reference to ephebophilia at all. It's a garbage concept completely unsupported by evidence.

Dysfunction Off The Hook

The current dogma says that the way to keep young women from getting sexually assaulted is to make sure everyone thinks they're brainless helpless fools.

It's stupid and counterproductive.

(very nasty bigotry too)

#minors #teens #teenagers #children #alligator

Heather, why?

My issues are with a change in American culture. The problem has spilled over a bit into other countries but on the whole Europe is a great example of how to not fuck things up the way the US did.

My core idea and the reason I do all this is contained in this 4-minute video =>


Sometimes I think it's a lost cause. The taboo is so strong. You get banned from social media just for telling this one simple truth.