Some video game players showed addictive behavior. So the general public, as always, thinks A causes B. Therefore video games are addictive, right?

Wrong. Scientists know that correlation is not causation.

They looked into it, and found the players who were addicted to the games were also addicted to other stuff. They had addictive personalities. The games were a symptom, not a cause.

Why bring this up?

Many Cons wave around some Utah Mormon University research which shows that virgins tend to stay married more. This does *not* show causation.

It's exactly like the video game players. A minority have a propensity to X which manifests in multiple ways.

That is to say, the personality traits that lead one to stay a virgin also lead one to refuse to divorce. These people prefer blind obedience to rebellion and freedom.

Virginity is not causing good marriages. Fear of being disobedient makes these people do whatever their church says.

because there is no causal link, there is nothing to be gained by encouraging others to stay virgins. they won't. They prefer freedom, and sexual satisfaction, and if you try to force them to stay celibate, they'll be miserable. They don't have the "I love to be blindly obedient" trait.